Super intense hide-and-seek where blocks explode and wizards play quake

MIMICS!by hexakon
Start from a single block of bedrock floating in void and use wands to restore the world.

Void Editby Codzilla
A dark force has ravaged your realm, and he has taken something special from you. As you are suddenly thrown into the action, you learn much more at stake...

Lily - Connections Lostby saladbowls, Hithcrew
Lost Embers features an ever-burning landscape that will do anything in its power to keep its treasures out of your reach. Will you have the strength, tactics, and perseverance to overcome the ever-growing challenge?

Lost Embersby Cake
This map features beta Minecraft textures, custom mechanics, a shop, teleporters, Mowse's Death Datapack, RenderXR's Legacy Food Datapack, and a whole lot of secrets!

The Good Old Daysby Narfu, The CTMC
Immerse yourself in the caves of The Ancients! Battle armoured wolves, deadly spiders and breeze filled towers.

Torre de Piedraby Narfu
Parkour Donut is a fast-paced parkour map with 20 levels in the shape of a square with a hole, run through many biomes, explore the caves and many more!

Parkour Donutby Omar_6374
A new map with 3 mazes for players of all sizes!

An Amazing Journey: Inner Office Spaceby TheZaius
An ethical survey about moral philosophy!

The Trolley Problem 3by Henzoid
ZoneMob Combat es un mapa pvp versus team. 4v4, 3v3, 2v2 o 1v1 Dos equipos se enfrentan... Los Containers vs los Mobs en una batalla de resistencia y estrategia cooperativa para ganar.

ZoneMob Combatby endercracsink9
A speedrun puzzle with the goal of completing all twelve puzzles in 324 seconds or less!

EighteenSquared 2025by Henzoid
Biome Island is a Parkour maps series where each island has its own biome and its own unique shape, blocks, and mechanics. In the first map, the biome is taiga.

Biome Islandby Omar_6374
Line Parkour is a fast-paced parkour map with 20 levels in only one straight line, It has custom biomes and many interesting mechanics like jump boost parkour, falling sand and more.

Line Parkourby Omar_6374
A Found18 Original! Do you have what it takes to complete your mission? Embark on an adventure in search for an item to fullfill your mission and get your reward. "Foundation Origins Part 2" is the continuation of "Foundation Origins" released in December 2023. This map takes place after the events of "Foundation Origins" and before the events of the main map "Foundation" wich is still being made.

Foundation Origins Part 2by Found 18
Mega blocks and parkour merge in the smash hit parkour map of the decade: Blockour!

Blockourby Chris6d
2 teams of pirates loot treasure chests, kill enemies and fire cannons to destroy the enemy ship!

Crafty Cannoneersby ZeroniaServer
Axolotl Adventures is a thrilling 2D map that immerses you in the role of an axolotl on a quest to find a new home.Your water has been infested and it's up to you to traverse multiple biomes and discover a new place to call home.This is a solo adventure, where you will travel worldwide by yourself, discovering new and exciting places while avoiding dangers.Join the Axolotl on his journey and help him find a new home on this exciting Minecraft map.

Axolotl Adventuresby reking, Slender, PhantomEye
A new entry in the Amazing Journey series featuring a huge labyrinth to navigate!

An Amazing Journey: A Bogus Chapterby TheZaius
A Minecraft Map and Palace for Axolotls

Axolotl Palaceby Dolphin Cupcake